Binghamton Cries Out

April 5, 2009 at 9:33 pm | Posted in Cultural, Social politics | Leave a comment
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wong-murdererIn Binghamton, New York, at 10:30 a.m., Jiverly Wong, a forty-one year old out-of-work Asian citizen from an ethnically Chinese family living in Vietnam decided to murder. Wrapped in a bulletproof vest and armed with a .45 and 9mm handgun, Wong entered the American Civic Association building and began to shoot without a word according to witnesses.  In a silent rage he began ending lives at will in what would end up being the death of thirteen unarmed civilians. And what was his motivation? Someone had mocked him for speaking poor English and he was angry about losing his job. In interviews with co-workers and others that knew him, Wong apparently had made threats in the past that involved violent reactions.  Did he have a wife? No. Any children to feed? No. He was living with his parents.

The immigration center visitors and workers scattered to closets and the boiler room to escape Wong’s evil assault until SWAT teams could arrive.  Then he ended his own life as a murderous coward.

All of his weapons were registered legally proving once again that gun laws do not stop criminals from committing crimes any more than laws against drunkenness stop people from inebriation. We need laws just like we need locks, but ultimately men who seek and destroy as they have done for thousands of years will continue to do so despite the best legislation.

Wong could have easily entered the building wielding two twenty inch machetes severing limb and life.  He could have walked in with a homemade bomb and blown the office to smithereens. He chose handguns. What made him murder was the wickedness of his heart, not the choice of his weapon. Nor did any ban or restriction stop him.

Sadly, the vacuous responses flow from those who should be leading rather than offering up fodder-filled clichés. Yes, this event was heart-wrenching and our hearts and prayers should go out to the victim’s families and friends who must now deal with the grief and heartache that comes with such misery and intent.  However, they need real answers and civic protection not more rhetoric.

For example, this is part of what President Obama had to say about the Binghamton killings, “We have to guard against the senseless violence that this tragedy represents…” I doubt seriously that he means had the victims all had ballet-shooterstheir own self-protection weapons, perhaps someone could have taken this devil out before the body count reached double digits.  A cry for more gun control is nothing more than a cry to idiocy and purposed victimization for disarming citizens is no protection against evildoers. If you aren’t convinced, see Kennesaw, Georgia where each head of household is required by law to own and maintain a firearm for self-protection and defense of property – their per-capita crime rate has remained essentially static (and low) since 1983. Criminals don’t like raping, robbing, abducting, or otherwise attempting to assault those who are armed.  Imagine that.

If sensibility reigned in our land, this is what the AP story we read online should sound like:

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP) -The gunman, who entered the building at about 10:30 a.m. local time, had two handguns and body armor, the Press & Sun-Bulletin said, citing Mayor Matthew Ryan. He barricaded a back door with his car and walked in through the front, AP said.

Fifteen people took refuge in a closet and 26 fled to the boiler room, the newspaper said, yet six of those taking refuge were armed with their own weapons. Governor Patterson said that had it not been for the ability of these brave citizens to carry handguns more than just one would have died. The assailant, an unknown Asian man, was pronounced dead at 10:50 a.m. after being shot six times by his potential victims.

Spokesperson for the American Civic Association Angela Leach commented publicly that she could not fathom what drove Wong to do what he did.  I can.  Evil exists in the hearts of men and it is the job and duty of our government to serve and protect us from such wickedness.  I pray that the politico towers gain simple wisdom.

Don’t Be So Chipper

March 27, 2009 at 7:09 pm | Posted in Cultural, Humor, Videos | 1 Comment
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Given the mad dash to make every human emotion a disease needing another prescription, this video is a breath of fresh air.

[CAUTION: Does contain some profanity]

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